Our Products

Adaxa is committed to providing a wide range of products to ensure our clients an abundance of options for any type of scenario. From first time home buying to experienced real estate investing, this is Adaxas competitive advantage that every consumer deserves



(Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac)

The Conventional loan is a very common option as the product of choice for approximately 70% of mortgages originated in the U.S. annually. This loan must conform to the guidelines set by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). Due to the demand, Conventional lending can be overwhelming on consumers when comparing quotes and determining who to trust. At Adaxa we utilize a proprietary price comparison tool to monitor live pricing from lenders across the nation. This allows us to retrieve our clients quotes from top lenders who are currently offering the most competitive pricing in the market.   

Political Science



(Veterans Affairs)


(Federal Housing Administration)


(U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)

Government backed loans can be another common product choice due to unique benefits and some broader qualifying guidelines compared to Conventional. These differences can sometimes provide notable advantages to the consumer allowing for more opportunity. Government backed loans can also offer streamline refinancing to allow for a simplified process in reducing the rate of interest on your loan during an improved market.  

Non QM & Alternative


(Home Equity Line of Credit)

Interest Only

Bank Statement

Reverse Mortgage




(Debt Service Coverage Ratio)

Hard Money

Non-QM and Alternative products supply the solution to those who need something outside of what the standard Conventional mortgage can offer or who it can be offered to. These products allow you to qualify based upon alternative factors outside of the standard conforming guidelines. Most commonly utilized when obtaining a Home Equity Line of Credit or a Jumbo Mortgage this option has recently grown in popularity due to it’s extensive range of opportunity. Many Investors and Self-Employed applicants look to Non-QM as an easy workaround for their business focused income. Without a broker these products can be highly challenging to locate due to most large national lenders refusing to offer them. 

Want to learn more?

Contact us now to learn more or schedule a consultation with our team to see what options can most efficiently meet your financing objectives.